30. März 2021, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr

Fachgespräch: Syria - An Indispensable Need for a New Breath (Englisch)

Online Talk on Future Peacebuilding Perspectives for Syria

Azzam Moustafa & Benedikt Brammer (authors of study)
Elias Sadekni (Hope-Dar Al-Salam)
Facilitation: Wadiaa Ferzly

In the light of the tenth anniversary of the Syrian uprising and after years of unprecedented violence and destruction: What are the future perspectives for peace in Syria? What are the needs and threats for peacebuilding interventions in Syria? How can Syrian civil society and international peace organisations contribute to this process? These questions were at the centre of a study which was implemented between December 2019 and May 2020. Interviews, workshops and roundtables were conducted in Lebanon and Germany.  

This study was commissioned by forumZFD and conducted by the independent consultants Azzam Moustafa and Benedikt Brammer.

In November 2020 forumZFD has hosted a series of online talks (in German/Arabic) addressing the Syrian diaspora experience in Germany. Following up on these efforts, we would like to continue developing a constructive discussion about Syria and peacebuilding. On 30th March 2021 the two authors of the new study, Azzam and Benedikt, will share selected parts of the systemic conflict analysis, key findings and recommendations. In addition, we are pleased to have Elias Sadekni as our guest speaker. Elias is the co-founder of Hope-Dar Al-Salam and he has accompanied us since the very beginning of the project. Wadiaa Ferzly will facilitate the discussion.

Infos & Anmeldung: https://www.forumzfd.de/de/veranstaltung/syria-indispensable-need-new-breath

Veranstalter: forumZFD


18:00 - 19:30

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